Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Autumn Craziness in Honduras
The Pan de Vida retreat was a real success and even though I was not there, it was nice to hear all of the stories about the lives that were changed through the personal encounter with Christ that all of the participants experienced. Many of the missioners that were there just a few months before for the first Pan de Vida were astounded by the amount of spiritual growth that the community has encountered; it was remarkable to hear how people that just a few months earlier were radically following the Lord and walking side by side with their brothers and sisters in Christ to build a stronger community.
The retreat for the Becas program was a chance for all of us to grow closer to the children that are in the sponsorship program. It was fascinating to see the stark difference between the "city" children and the "mountain" children that we encountered when we met up with the young men and women that live with Father Max, the priest that runs a mission program in Florida. Our students were clothed in the latest fashions, with all of the best clothing that they could find. On the journey to Florida, all of the girls were painting their faces, admiring the fake beauty behind their compacts, whereas those from the mountains were plain and simple, untouched by the mainstream; it was a lesson for both students as they interacted, and interesting to see the differences.
The students heard talks about responsibility, with the theme of the retreat purposely aimed at drawing a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord. The students were encouraged to leave all of their past faults and failings behind to follow with more vigor and truth the path that God has chosen for every one of them. Through small groups and activities that conveyed the message of the Gospels, each student brought home something that they did not have at the beginning, a deeper love for our Lord's sacrifice.
After the Becas Retreat, we went on a community retreat to get in touch ourselves and refuel our spirits getting to know each other a little better. We spent a few days relaxing in the hills right outside of Tegulciculpa in Valle de Angeles. The retreat center is half for those seeking a silent retreat, and the other half is for youth groups and groups like ours where silence is nearly impossible. It was nice to finally get some time away from the mission house where regardless if we are in a meeting, there is a knock at the door or an emergency. In this way, all of us were able to escape at the same time and enjoy some time without having to cook, or help someone in a crisis.
We left Valle de Angeles relaxed, and continued our relaxation at Suyapa, right behind the Basilica where there is a retreat center. There were had 2 speakers, one of which was Father Max (different from the one aforementioned) who had helped with one of the mission teams earlier in September to the Mosquitia. The other speaker was one of the missionaries at the retreat center who was incredibly encouraging and had very inspiring words to share for everyone in order to help us continue doing the work that we have been called to do.
This month has been a very hectic and crazy month filled with many surprises, but the mission is still going strong and continuing through the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have all learned more about each other, and have been able to reach many new people through the different retreats as well as all of the traveling that we have been doing. It is through God's constant intercession and love that we are made whole, and are able to continue with eager anticipation for His coming.
Feliz Adviento!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Community building in the Mountains of Comayagua...... and a water fight!!!!!!
This unity has ironically been transposed onto the community, which recently received four new additions from the United States. Over the past 2 months, we have all experienced a Pan De Vida retreat, the Transitus of Saint Francis, and most importantly community building.
This recent Pan De Vida took place at Casa Guadalupe during a very ominous and gray week in Honduras. Mel Zelaya had returned to the country earlier that week, and everyone was put under strict curfews due to the unstable political conditions. Whether or not the Pan de Vida retreat would even take place was a very touchy situation since the country had been under a "toque de queda," or a nationwide curfew.
Despite all of the chaos, God valiantly triumphed and the retreat occurred without a problem. A little over 100 adolescent boys and girls filed into Casa Guadalupe with anticipation and a certain level of anxiety not knowing what really would occur during the weekend. For many, this was their first encounter with Eucharistic Adoration and Eucharistic Healing. Even though the world might have seemed fractured and there might not be that much hope, our Lord shined through filling our sorrows with His grace and love. Seeing so many conversions and changed young children of God was truly inspiring.
Regardless of what the world might say while reflecting on the situations within Honduras, one aspect of society shines brighter than them all...... HOPE. Honduras may have entered a very difficult time within its history, but the people remain faithful, and with an armament of faith are willing to weather the battle forbearingly.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
We are writing to give you a brief update on the status of things here in Honduras. It has been a challenge and a gift to be invited to be with the people of this beautiful country in a very critical time. The need for the Church to be united in prayer in the world that we currently live in is immense. In times of crisis we come to realize that God continues to ask us to be an active part of the Church-militant; standing in the gap and learning how to be intercessors for the poor, those in turmoil, those needing conversion and the desperate of heart.
Honduras is in crisis. Over the past several days (and years) we have seen a drama unfold that puts the country today at a critical crossroads. The president, Mel Zelaya, who was elected in 2006 has been gradually and deliberately aligning himself and this country with other Socialist nations. In the past year he joined a list of several other nations to include Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Saint Vincent, Granada, Antigua, Barbados, and Ecuador in the Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) whose goals put the country on a course in the direction of a socialist dictatorship and a disregard for defending democratic rule and practices. He preports to be a voice for the poor and marginalized but has spoken for them and the country without comprehensive consensus and support.
With this brief background the events of the past week have taken place. Mel decided to try to push through a referendum vote that would allow for his term as president to be extended. This is directly against the constitution of the Republic and only the Congress can pass a referendum that allows for the possibility of the constitution being changed. He decided in the process to ignore the legal channels and to continue without the support of the Congress and the Supreme Court. Because the military refused to defy the Congress's order and the written constitution and help him distribute the materials for the scheduled vote this past Sunday, he fired the head of the military. It was determined that his actions in firing him were illegal and the Supreme Court issued an order that he be reinstated. Mel refused to reinstate him and went as far as to enter the military base with many of his followers where they had confiscated the voting boxes distributed for the vote to redistribute them. This again took place after the Congress had determined that the vote was illegal.
The Congress and Supreme Court entered an emergency session on Saturday to determine their needed response in the protection of the country and in protection of democracy and the Constitution. They determined that the president's choices were clearly illegal and that it was necessary to remove him from office and have him transported to Costa Rica where they could prevent as much chaos as possible from taking place on the Sunday when the vote was supposedly going to take place. And then the world drama began.
An emergency meeting of the countries represented in the ALBA agreement was immediately organized in Nicaragua. Mel was flown there by Hugo Chavez from Costa Rica. The organization of American States and well as the United Nations also scheduled emergency meetings to take place over the next few days and to decide the position other nations would take on what had taken place in Honduras.
There has been an overwhelming response on the part of the international community in defending a former president who clearly committed illegal acts to move the country of Honduras back in the direction of socialism. There has not been balance in the international communities reporting in addressing directly the clear violations that lead up to the arrest of Zeleya and his transport to Costa Rica. What has proceeded is confusion and uncertainty.
The newly appointed president (not a military officer) but the next in line for the presidency, Michiletti, has been doing what he can to calm the situation and make decisions based on protecting the country as democratic and peaceful. Of note is that Michiletti is from the same political party as Zelaya and a a party they have decided that the goals of Mel's presidency are clearly not there own and have withdrawn their support of him. Mel's return to Honduras on Saturday after the warning given by the international community of restoring him to power in 72 hours puts the people of Honduras (with a clear majority not supporting the return to the presidency of Mel), the Congress and the Supreme Court in a very difficult position.
What can we do? WE NEED TO FAST, PRAY AND MAKE SACRIFICES THAT GOD MIGHT HEAR THE CRIES OF HIS PEOPLE AND MOVE WITH COMPASSION ON THEIR BEHALF! We have been doing almost continual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in a round-the-clock schedule knowing that Jesus Christ is our peace and can make a way out of no way. The power of the prayers of His faithful in the past has stopped wars, averted disasters, and can calm this storm. We are begging our friends and family members to join us in praying for a demonstration of God's power and a preservation of peace and right in this country. We are part of the same body and really need your help.
We have attached to this blog a novena to Our Lady Help of Christians and are going to start praying it here today. Please join us in praying with the specific intention that peace would reign in this country and that Jesus would be recognized as the One that the people are crying out for and need.
We will try and send you updates on the situation in the country every few days via this blog. Thank you for your willingness to be a part of seeing the body of Christ in Honduras preserved from all evil and free to continue to choose Christ.
May the Lord continue to give you His peace.
Carol Restaine & the Missioners of Christ
Faith and the acceptance of the Word of God: Luke 1: 26-38
O Mary, powerful help of those Christians
who approach the throne of your mercy with trust!
Listen to the prayers of your children
who invoke your help to avoid sin and the occasions of sin.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sincere humility: Luke 1: 48
O Mary most holy, kind and merciful mother,
with your visible help you freed the Christian people
from the ferocious assaults of the Muslims.
Free our souls from the attacks of the devil,
the world, and the flesh,
so that we may always overcome the enemies of our salvation.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Active charity: Luke 1: 36-39
Most powerful Queen of heaven,
you triumphed over heresies
which sought to tear your children away from the Church.
Come to our assistance so that we may remain steadfast in our faith
and may guard the purity of our hearts
in the midst of the many dangers that beset us.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Filial love for God: Luke 2: 21, 22, 40
Mary, our most amiable Mother,
you are the Queen of martyrs
because of the heroic courage and strength you exercised on earth.
Obtain for us the strength we need to be constant in your service
and always to show ourselves your devoted children in life and in death.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gratitude for our gifts: Luke 1: 46-49
Loving Mother Mary,
you showed your powerful protection in the triumph of Pope Pius VII.
Spread your mantle over the Church;
and protect our Shepherd, the Holy Father,
from the attacks of the enemy,
free him from all attacks,
and assist him always as he steers the bark of St. Peter to safety.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gratitude shown in the offering at the temple: Luke 2: 22-24
Mary, Queen of the Apostles,
take under your protection all the ministers
and the faithful of the Catholic Church.
Fill them with a burning zeal for the salvation of souls,
and give special assistance to missionaries
so that they may succeed to attract all souls to faith in Jesus Christ
and thus form one flock under the guidance of one Shepherd.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Poverty accepted with dignity and with trust in the Lord: Luke 1: 48; 2: 24
Loving and merciful Mother,
you saved Christians from countless misfortunes.
Free us from the plague of infidelity
which seeks to alienate us from the Church and religious observances
by means of corrupt publications
and schools and irreligious sects.
Grant perseverance to the good,
give strength to the weak,
and move sinners to repentance,
so that truth and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ may triumph in the world.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer in the apostolic community: Acts 1:12-14
Mary, Pillar of the Church and Help of Christians,
we beg to keep us firmly rooted in our faith
and to protect in us our freedom as children of God.
We promise not to stain our souls with sin
and to obey our Holy Father and the Bishops
in communion with him.
We want to live and die in the bosom of the Church
and to attain eternal salvation.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother: John 19: 25-27
Most loving Mother Mary,
you have always been the Help of Christians.
Help us with your powerful protection in life
and especially at the hour of our death,
so that, after having loved and venerated you on earth,
we may come to proclaim your mercy in heaven.
Hail Mary, Glory Be
Almighty and merciful Lord, in a marvelous manner you deigned to make the most holy Virgin Mary a powerful helper in defense of Christians. Grant that, having fought the good fight under her protection during our life, we may be victorious over our infernal enemy at the hour of our death. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Holy Week Missions
The following is a reflection was written by Diana, one of our Honduras long-term missioners who has lived in the community for a year and half. She with a number of other missioners lead a team into the mountains of La Florida.
"During Holy Week we did a holy mission in a parish named Holy Family in La Florida, La Paz with a priest named Father Maximilian. We went to a number of villages that are a bit away from the city. During the week we participated with the people in different celebrations. We visited homes to encourage the people and to speak to them about the Love of God. Sometimes they feel distant and excluded, and for them to know and to hear the Word of God gives them strength. Visiting these villages helped us to realize how extensive the Catholic Church is and that we need to work more. The people mantain their faith mainly by family tradition, and to help them to grow deeper in their faith was our mission. These people have mass every 6 months or once a year because the parish is large and Fr. Max has much work and is unable to make many visits to each village. Fr. Max has 40 youth that are currently in school while living and working with him in his parish. We work with this particular priest a lot."
We also had another team that went to the mountains of Tutule (pronounced too-too-leh). Here are some photos from their team.
On the steps of the local parish.
On Wednesday, we did the stations of the cross with the children of our barrio. It was wonderful to lead them in such a powerful way of prayer. We started off with a group of about 20, and people joined us as we continued along. We ended in front of our local parish and left solemnly anticipating the Lord's rising.
I hope that all of you had a blessed Lenten season.
Through Mary's heart,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spring 2009 - Our Newest Additions!
My name is Nereida Carolina Ballesteros Villamil. I was born in Siguatepeque, Comayagua. I am 28 years old, and am the third of six siblings. My brother Maynor also belongs to the Misioners of Christ. I am a public accountant, and worked for a family as an accountant for 10 years. I like to read and learn a little about everything. I belong to the parish of San Pablo in Siguatepeque and to the youth group “Missioners of Christ and Mary”. My best friend – Jesus. I love to talk to him.
My name is Rudy Benitez. I come from a family of 8 children, 3 boys and 5 girls. My new Christian life began when I was 18 years old through a priest named Father Maximiliano. He invited me to the youth group and at the same time to a mission with the Missioners of Christ. Through him I came to know the Missioners, and in seeing the testimony of the Christian life, I wanted to be a missionary. I spoke with Carolina and she gave me strength to continue to see if it was God’s as will – and it is, because now I find myself living in the community of the Missioners and I am here giving all that I can to find the call of God.
My name is Cecilia, but am often called Cece or Ceci. I hail from the San Francisco Bay Area of California, and am Filipina by blood and in heart. I am the only girl in a family of 5 children, and have the 4 coolest brothers a girl could ever have. I am 21 years old and just graduated from San Francisco State University with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and minors in Philosophy & Religion, and Business Administration this past December. I take after my namesake and patron - St. Cecilia, music is one of my greatest passions and my favorite way to speak with our Lord. I am very excited to serve God among His poor, and am humbled that He would call me to serve Him this way. May the good God bless you and may Mary keep you, always!
My name is Edwin. I am 20 years old and am from Agua Blanca, Minas de Oro in Comayagua. I’m from a humble Catholic family. My hope has always been to serve and to surrender my youth to God. God has now given me this opportunity to be a missionary, so I’m going to work hard for God as a Missioner of Christ.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Nails in the Door
Providentially, yesterday morning Fr. Erminio preached about the effectiveness of a good example, especially in regard to the conversion of our families. As he has many times before, he emphasized the great need in our society for parents who teach their children by example to love the things of God and not the things of the world. If parents want to be able to provide a better life for their families, he counseled, they must begin by being faithful to prayer and the Sacraments. Of course, he added, a good example only goes so far. Sometimes even the most devout parents find themselves unable to keep their children on the right path – and yet there is never cause to lose hope. To illustrate this point, he related the following story:
“Once, a father came to me who was very distressed by the behavior of his only son. He and his wife had done their best to teach him by their example to love the things of God and not the things of the world, but during his teenage years he rebelled against them by declaring himself an atheist and refusing to attend Mass. He joined the neighborhood gang, began abusing alcohol and drugs, and became frighteningly violent. Some nights when he came home drunk, the boy would hit his mother, and if his father so much as raised a finger in protest, the son threatened him with his machete. Because the father knew it was within his son’s power to kill him, he always backed down, and for this he felt ashamed. He had lived in this sort of fear for years before coming to me for help. Not knowing any way out of this seemingly impossible situation, I encouraged him to continue to pray that somehow his son would be converted, and promised to pray with him.
“The man went home, and while he prayed that evening, he was inspired with an idea. The next day, he began to hammer nails into a wooden door in their home, one nail for each of his son’s misdeeds. Each time his son boasted of some terrible thing he’d done, each time he beat his mother, each time he threatened to kill his father, his father hammered another nail into the door. Soon, there wasn’t space left for even one more nail.
“One morning, as the boy was walking to the kitchen for breakfast, he noticed the door covered in nails and stopped in front of it. ‘What are all the nails for?’ he asked his father.
“‘For each of your misdeeds,’ his father answered, with great sorrow in his voice. ‘And this isn’t all of them – I only began doing this some time ago, and soon I saw that the door wasn’t big enough.’
“His son stared at the door for a while, and looked at his father as if he were still in need of an explanation. ‘I used nails,’ his father said, ‘because each terrible thing you did felt like a nail driven into my heart.’
“The boy began to weep, and asked quietly if he could remove the nails from the door. There were so many, and he was ashamed. ‘You can begin to remove the nails,’ his father said gently, ‘if you begin doing good deeds in reparation for all of the hurt you’ve caused – not only to me and your mother, but to God.’
“His son promised to begin doing good, and after several months, he was able to remove the last nail from the door. ‘Well done, my son!’ exclaimed his father, embracing him. ‘Now, we must celebrate!’
“Much to the man’s surprise, his son began to cry – deep, heavy sobs, the way he had cried as a small child. ‘Father,’ he said through tears, ‘the nails may be gone, but their marks are still in the door.’
“‘Don’t let that trouble you,’ his father said. ‘We will fill the holes made by the nails, not with putty or clay, but with the love we have for one another.’”
Prayer to St. Joseph for Families
Gracious St. Joseph, protect me and my family from all evil as you did the Holy Family. Kindly keep us ever united in the love of Christ, ever fervent in imitation of the virtue of our Blessed Lady, your sinless spouse, and always faithful in devotion to you. Amen.